Monday, February 27, 2012


I found out what will happen to JB in the zombie apocalypse. It will be HILARIOUS!!! I need a camera when it happens...

Amanda Shell- Messing with her hair and eyes

This is the before and after images of Amanda Shell when I was messing with her hair. I was originally planning to use her hair for my Avatar, but Have decided against it.

Hermione Messed up-ish

This is hermione messed up-ish. I changed her tie, eye, hair and skin colour.

Hermione Tonks Completed

This is my completed image of hermione tonks, as you can see, I changed her eye colour and changed her hair colour.

Completed Hermione Touched Up

Completed Tree Frog

My fremu has been COMPLETED!!!
This is the finishing product of the fremu.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Bored People

All of the images in this post show people holding their heads up with blank expressions. One of the girls has her eyes half closed, on has them directed up an the boy is looking straight ahead, looking for something to do.

Sad people

The people in this image all have frowns, their eyebrows are creased together, two of the images show people with tears in their eyes, either welling up or pouring out and two of the images show people with their heads tilted down.

Happy People

In all three of these images, the people are smiling, their eyebrows arch up, their teeth are showing, and their eyes are being pushed slightly up by their cheeks.

Hermione Granger- 'Tonks'

This image of Hermione is her being like Tonks. Her hair has been changed to a bright blue and her eyes have been turned purple with the blending tools. I haven't quite finished her, but I believe that she will look great in the end.

Hermione Granger- Touched up

If you compare this image and the original image of Hermione Granger, you will be able to see that her blemishes are gone and, the lines under her eyes are gone and that her lips are redder. to do this, I used the clone stamp, healing brush and the burn tool.

Hermione Granger- Original

This is the original image for the touch-up image and 'Tonks' image of Hermione Granger. If you look closley, you can see that her skin has quite a lot of blemishes which are fixed up in the next images.

Avatar trial.

The eyes in this image failed quite miserably, but I think that the skin texture turned out ok. I used the same tools as in my other images, but I also changed the opacity in the layers so that the image would look more 'realistic'

Avatar trial. original

these are the original images for the Avatar trial.

Parow- incomplete

I haven't finished the Parow yet, and REALLY need to because right now it looks unrealistic.
I used all the same tools in this image as I did in the Fremu.

The original Parow images.

These are the original images for the Parow (It needs a better name...) that I am creating. I have decided to conjoin a crow and a black panther.

Fremu- incomplete

This is an image of my almost completed Fremu.
To create this image, I used masks, the soft edged brush, the lassoo tool and layers. I haven't completed the image yet, but I am planning to re colour the emu head so that it fits into the picture like it is meant to be there.

Original Fremu Pics

This is the original images of the tree frog and the emu before they got turned into a Fremu.