Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Shot List

1.     Girl walking on a yard (2 seconds) Long Shot
2.     Girl walks through door  (1 second) Long Shot
3.     Girl walks up stairs (3 seconds) Long Shot
4.     Girl walks through a door (1 second) Long Shot
5.     Girl walks to bed and sits on it (2 seconds) Long Shot
6.     Girl turns head to window (1 second) Close up
7.     Focus on window (1 second) Long Shot- Zooms in
8.     Zoom to tree outside (3 seconds) Long Shot of tree
9.     Storm rolls in (6 seconds) Long Shot of tree
10. Lightning bolt flashes through the middle of the tree (1 second) Long Shot of tree
11. Tree splits (3 seconds) Close up on split- travels with split
12. One half snaps in half (2 seconds) Close up on half of the tree
13. Demon rises out of the ‘v’ section of the tree (10 seconds) Long shot of tree- zooms in on the ‘v’ section- follows demon as it rises
14. Demon circles the tree (10 seconds) Long Shot of tree
15. (Flash) Girl appears in front of tree (1 second) Camera behind tree- (Back of demon facing camera) long Shot
16. Demon approaches girl (2 seconds) Camera on girls right, long shot
17. Demon circles girl (5 seconds) Long Shot
18. Demon melts into a blob (4 seconds) Long shot- zoom in on demon, as it melts follows the melting
19. Blob rises to the girls chest (8 seconds) Long Shot- follows blob
20. Focus on girls face (4 seconds) Long Shot- zooms in on her face
21. Girl blinks (x 3)- Eyes turn from blue to black with red iris’ (3 seconds) Extreme close up
22. Focus on girls face (3 seconds) Close up
23. Girl grins slowly (6 seconds) Close up
24.  Screen Blacks out–‘To Be Continued…’ “melts” onto the screen (5 seconds) Long shot of black paper
25. Words “melt” off of the screen (5 seconds) Long Shot

Total time- 92 seconds

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Plan (Not in detail)

  1. Girl walks home
  2. Goes up to her room and looks out of her window
  3. Storm rolls in
  4. Lightning flashes and hits the tree outside her room
  5. Tree splits in half
  6. Demon/ghost rises out of the tree
  7. White flash (lightning)- Girl appears in front of the tree and the demon
  8. Demon flies around girl and sets her house on fire before possessing her
  9. Sirens set off in the background
  10. Girl turns to the camera and has a big creepy grin and red eyes

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Character Development- About Limbo

Heres a bit about limbo that I forgot to publish last term because I left it on draft... not a good idea.

As I said in my character development plan, my avatar Violet is from Limbo, so here's a bit of information about the place.

About Limbo:

The defintiton of limbo- the internet version

1. often Limbo Roman Catholic Church The abode of unbaptized but innocent or righteous souls, as those of infants or virtuous individuals who lived before the coming of Christ.
2. A region or condition of oblivion or neglect: Management kept her promotion in limbo for months.
3. A state or place of confinement.
4. An intermediate place or state.

Word History: Our use of the word limbo to refer to states of oblivion, confinement, or transition is derived from the theological sense of Limbo as a place where souls remain that cannot enter heaven, for example, unbaptized infants. Limbo in Roman Catholic theology is located on the border of Hell, which explains the name chosen for it. The Latin word limbus, having meanings such as "an ornamental border to a fringe" and "a band or girdle," was chosen by Christian theologians of the Middle Ages to denote this border region. English borrowed the word limbus directly, but the form that caught on in English, limbo, first recorded in a work composed around 1378, is from the ablative form of limbus, the form that would be used in expressions such as in limb, "in Limbo."

This is how Limbo is seen and defined by the world....

But then there is my version of Limbo, where Violet is from.

Limbo is a set of dimensions where almost all creatures live. It is the land of dreams, and great imagination, but it isn't all happy magic, there are different dimensions Limbo that can be accessed, but mainly by ones species. The majority of Limbo is run and created by the 'Angels' as humans call them.

The different worlds
-The Human
-The Elementals
-Shape Shifters
-Witches and Warlocks

Humans aren't allowed to travel from one dimension to another due to an event in history that was wiped from the humans memories.
what happened was that the humans found out about the other dimensions and started creating weapons to take over all of the other dimensions, but the plan failed when the angels found out about it as they didn't allow one species to rule over all.
only some kept the memories of the creatures of the other dimensions, and knowledge of them has been passed down throughout generations.

Angels are like limbos council as they are the creators and the oldest, they also know the most about every dimension while others only know about their dimension, the human one and a few others.

There is only one rule that is greatly enforced, and that is; don't inform the humans that their myths and legends are real.

Thats a little about Limbo, sorry it was posted late, but I left it on draft.