The film Sleepy Hollow Tree of the Dead is a horror film with a supernatural sub-genre. The use of sound and editing have been used to create the genres of the film alongside many other elements. The music used in the part of the film that was viewed is mysterious and suspenseful, making the viewer eager to know what will happen next, even if they know that it may scare them. There are moments in the movie when the music becomes slightly- for lack of a better word, magical. This is mainly when the tree of the dead is involved, as the characters don't yet know exactly what it is. In the music, there is a lead up to the Headless Horseman entering the scene. When he does enter, the pace of the music increases, putting the viewer on the edge of their seats in anticipation of what is to happen. The music constantly changes to relate with the scene and get the viewer to think in a certain way about the event that is occurring on the screen. But the sound isn't the only thing that persuades the viewer to react in certain ways, so does the editing.
The editing used in the segment of the film is mainly invisible cuts. The editor has made the scenes simply tell the story of what is happening in a straight forward manor, instead of using flash backs or flash forwards that are not required in this specific part of the film. The rhythm of the edits is slow, and although it occasionally speeds up to reveal to the viewer what is happening, but other than that, the speed of the edits remains quite slow. The slow pace of the editing adds to the suspense and mystery of what is happening as it allows the viewer time to ponder on the events that are being displayed before them.
The use of sound and editing has helped to genres of the film Sleepy Hollow Tree of the Dead. Without these two elements, the creators of the film would not be able to manipulate the viewers in the way that they have, and the film wouldn't be successful.
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