An innocent character is stalked by a werewolf
I would use both slow and fast edits, first I would use fast edits to show the panic that the character is feeling. The edits would continue to be fast until a moment when the character believes they are safe, then a fast edit of the werewolf attacking the characters.
A character confesses their horrific crime to someone
I would use slow edits of the character circling the other person who is bound. The shots would be switched between both the victim and the attacker and would have fast edits of flash backs to the murders with the screams sounding in each flash back.
Two teams compete in the finals of a street dance competiton
It would be fast edits switching between the teams and their members to keep up with the fast pace of a competition.
A high speed car chase ends in tragedy
The edits for this scene would be fast paced to show the adrenalin rush that one would get from the situation. The tragedy would be a car crash and that would be a slow motion of the two cars colliding and the crushing of the metal.
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