Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Image 1
This image is an extreme close up. It uses the rule of thirds and the golden triangle which directs your eye to the surname 'Buttle'. The photographer has blurred out parts of the image to make 'Buttle' a focal point. Also, They have put the stamp 'Dept. of RECORDS' in the bottom left corner to bring your attention what the document is. Also the object is mainly to the left and the photographer has left some negative space on the right.

Image 2
This image draws your attention to the people in the top left corner. The lines created by the hallway form leading lines that lead you to these people.The leading line is important as is causes you to look at other parts of the image other than the people.

Image 3
This image uses the rule of thirds and draws your attention to both the mans face in the top right corner and also the name 'M. KURTZMANN' on the door in the bottom left corner. The angle of the camera shows that this character has power as does the light coming from both behind and above the character. 

What do you think has happened in the film and why???
I think that the man from the beginning of the film has received a notice of some form and has been called up to and office to deal with it.

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