Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Mad Hatter- Alice in Wonderland

The Mad Hatter is an intriguing character of this clip. His script alone shows that the hatter is quite crazy and that he is keen to see the red queen overthrown by the white queen. But there are many other aspects of this clip that show more to the hatter than what he says.
Lets begin with his costume. Every inch of the hatters clothing has something to so with making hats, from the pins poking out of his hat to his pin cushion ring, all the tools of a hatter are on display.
Then there is how the hatter himself looks. He has very pale skin and different colours surrounding each eye, but that could be considered normal. What is strange are his eyes. They are both a bright, almost neon green that turn a dark orange when he is mad, but there is a subtle hint to his madness in the strange colour. His right eyes contact has been created so that it looks slightly off centre, so that he never appears to be looking directly at something/someone and makes him seem to have a crazed look about him.
But although the hatter seems to have control over his anger, there seems to be a few times when he can't and he is consumed by rage until someone manages to snap him out of it, as seen by when the Cheshire cat says something and the Hatter gets mad and stalks up to him like he is about to attack until the mouse snaps him out of it.
To add to how 'mad' the hatter looks, are his hair and eyebrows. His hair is a bright orange and looks as if the hatter had just been electrocuted, and his eyebrows are long and bushy, poking out everywhere.
These show the mad hatters character himself, but there is something about the setting that shows a part of the character as well.
The Hatter has set up his tea party in front of a broken windmill that is in the middle of a field surrounded by a dark forest.
It's as if he has been waiting for someone to come for a while. The Windmill could be a representation of his past, broken, yet the light is on, like those from his past are beckoning him to come back, but he is too afraid to go back, so he sets up outside, so he can assure himself that its still there, yet he feels its too damaged to invite anyone in.
Then theres the field, this is so that he can see if someone is coming, as he has been in the middle of a surprise attack before and he doesn’t want to have to do it again. He can see when enemies and friends are coming, giving him more time to prepare for anything that may happen.
And last of all, there is the dark forest. It shows that he knows that there is danger lurking in the shadows yet he stays in the light, not yet prepared to face what is going on in the outside world until Alice comes back.
The hatter is stuck between the past and the present, the tea party just being a distraction until Alice comes back so that he can be taken out of this time warp and get over what happened to him, move on and help defeat the red queen.

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